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When You're In A Hurry, This Article About Basketball Is Perfect

May 13

When You're In A Hurry, This Article About Basketball Is Perfect

Basketball is a great sport and it's easy to learn about. You can learn the basic quickly. But the finer points are what the game is all about, and if you would like to know more than check out this advice to get started.

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To better your basketball rebound when on the dribble drive, try running to the front of the rim. When you're in dribble drive penetration, try following your teammate to the rim. You can retrieve the ball if they miss. It's a great time for rebounding since the defense tends to collapse on the drive, which they can forget to block out. It also lets you get more offensive rebounds and points.


When shooting a free throw, keep your knees slightly bent and relaxed for best results. This stance allows you to jump vertically without shifting from right to left; thus, helping you maintain an even, accurate shot. Release the ball at the top of your jump for added momentum to the shot.


To improve your basketball dribbling skills, set cones out on the court and practice dribbling in and out of the cones. Go from one end of the court to the other at different speeds to enhance your ball control. After you have been up and down the court several times, practice stopping and shooting from various positions.


Work on becoming a more clever basketball player, rather than trying to master a few clever plays. Your opponents will eventually figure out your plays, but will have difficulty if they cannot anticipate your overall playing ability. Learn to be surprising, quick thinking and more agile in your ability to get the ball and work the court.


You can learn how to better pass the ball if you run drills without the dribble. It is quite challenging to play the game without dribbling, but it does make sure you and your teammates make accurate passes. Don't get discouraged if it is hard initially' because the gains you will make are sure to be worthwhile.


As you develop your ability to shoot a basketball, try practicing on one foot only. This will improve many areas of your play, including accuracy when shooting. As you get better, move to practicing your shot from greater distances. Only after you master the basic techniques will you truly get better at long distance shots.


Stay low when playing defense. Keep your shoulders lower than the offensive player you are guarding will give you a better chance of moving more quickly. A lower stance will help you play the ball as well. Try to remain about an arm's length away. When you get too far away, the other player can shoot easily.


If you want to become a better basketball player, exercise your forearms and your wrists whenever you possibly can. This will significantly help you with your ball handing and control. A strong dribbler always has strong forearms. Practice wrist curls in your exercise routine to improve forearm and wrist strength.


Maybe you recently started playing basketball. Or you've played basketball from the time you were a kid. Whatever the case may be, you should be able to use what you've learned here so you can do better at basketball. Put these tips to work whenever you next hit the court.