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Diabetes Making You Miserable? Try These Helpful Tips

May 24

Diabetes Making You Miserable? Try These Helpful Tips

If you're one of the many people out there that is trying to learn how to control their diabetes, but aren't sure how to go about it then look no further. The key to learning how to control your diabetes is to remember that learning as much as possible and applying that knowledge is the best strategy for success. If you do that then you should be well on your way to success.

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Diabetics should keep their water intake high, so take a bottle with you to save some money at the mall. You'll find water fountains in most buildings, so make use of it and fill up. You can find collapsible bottles at many stores that literally roll up, so you can keep them in your purse or bag.


Go online for help with your Diabetes! There are many forums and groups of people who are just like you and they love to help others. You'll find all kinds of advice about every facet of Diabetic life, from coping with family members who are not supportive to recipes and diet tips.


Read labels on the foods you buy to determine which foods are likely to cause your sugar to spike. While it's easy to see in unprocessed foods where the sugar or other ingredients are, it's not so simple with processed or packaged food. Read the labels and avoid items that have been known to interact with your sugar.


If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, I am sure you know how to check your blood sugar. You should check it before meals and at bedtime. This insures that if there is a sudden change in your blood sugar levels, you know in advance to address the situation in a timely fashion lest an emergency arise.


Make sure to take your diabetes medications exactly as directed. You are NOT a doctor, nor is anyone else giving you advice other than your physician. They tell you how often to take your prescriptions and how much you should take at a time because they know, so follow their directions.


To help yourself deal with a diabetes diagnosis, arrange to meet with a diabetes expert or take a class. Diabetes may seem as though it's overwhelming to live with, but a good instructor can help simplify the disease and give you ways to cope. Getting good advice from a knowledgeable source is invaluable to any diabetes sufferer.


If you're having trouble finding organizations in your area that can help you get help with your Diabetes, dial 211. The United Way can point you in the right direction towards support groups and other organizations who will help you get discounted supplies and prescriptions so you can stay healthy.


Now that you have a better idea of how to go about controlling your diabetes you should already be thinking of strategies you can apply to your everyday life. Remember that you're only going to get your diabetes under control if you apply all your knowledge on a daily basis, then you should start living a more comfortable life.